Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sneak-Peek of the New Cover

It's been almost five years since I shared cover art with you, BUT LOOK AT THIS!!!!!

Do you remember that Disney commercial where the goofy, nasally-kid says, "We're too excited to sleep!" That pretty much sums up how I'm feeling these days. Well, also, I have a cold, but I got it from my adorable two-year-old niece, so it's hard to feel put-out. All virus-delivery systems should be so stinkin' cute.

Here's the full jacket:

Does it make you want to curl up with a cup of cocoa and read it? OHMYGODIHOPESO!!! 

Sorry for screaming again. ("I'm too excited to be normal right now!")

I'll post more release details soon. There will also be a Goodreads giveaway in December. And if you're a book blogger/reviewer interested in an early read, send me an email and I'll hook you up with an e-copy the second it's available.

 Alright, back to dishes and laundry and grant proposals and life. And writing. Because there's always another story to tell.


  1. Hooray! the cover is gorgeous and I can't wait to read it.

  2. Wow! It's beautiful! I love it! And the back cover copy is great, too. Sounds like a wonderful read.

  3. Anonymous1:46 PM

    That sounds fantastic! Can't wait to read it.

  4. It's fantastic!!! So excited for you. (and for me because I'll get to read it. :)
