Sunday, November 20, 2005

Weekend Update

What a lazy weekend. Is it me, or has it been extremely difficult to remain vertical and awake these days? Went out with my best bud Friday night, lazed about the house Saturday, did some shopping, saw Harry Potter at the late showing last night, and here we are. I know I should be writing, but my muse is slacking big time these days. In fact, I think my muse is passed out on someone's couch across town. One cute thing: a family (mom and two kids) sat next to J and me at the theater, and all three began to read books from the library to pass the time before the movie started. As a writer, I found it awesome that people actually brought books to read in a movie theater!

Oh, did you know that the "God Warrior" from Trading Spouses has endorsed a talking bobblehead doll made in her likeness? It's being auctioned off on E-Bay, along with an autographed Glamour Shot of herself. Last I saw, the bids were around $900. Does this mean the apocalypse is nigh?

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