Six days. I can’t even believe I am typing that. Along the way, I met some awesome and talented bloggers, many of whom have graciously helped / will be helping to spread the word about Driving Sideways:
Manic Mom
Harmonica Man (View from the Cloud)
Suzy Soro (Where Hot Comes to Die)
Anonymous Coworker
Joanne Rendell
Eileen Cook
Gorilla Buns
Tx Poppet
Shelly at Not the Daddy
Trish Ryan
Mommy Confidential
Luanne at A Bookworm’s World
Robin Bielman
Maureen McGowan
GM Country Mama
Jozet at Halushki
Allison Winn Scotch
Pam Writes Romance
Jen Lancaster (her new book’s out now!)
Other awesome people I hunted down and shamelessly forced my book upon:
Cindy at Conversations with Famous Writers
Booking Mama
Lindsay at Suburban Turmoil
Stop by and say ‘hi’ to these fantastic and generous writers…I am confident that someday I will be raving right here about several of THEIR books (if I haven’t already!)
Other friends helping to spread the word who are so awesome I had to mention them even though they haven’t got blogs…YET:
-Fee B. of DePere, Wisconsin
-Rhonda M. of Midlothian, Virginia
-Michelle R. of Atlanta, Georgia
-Wendy J. of Madison, Wisconsin
-Rebecca W. of Illinois
-Mary H. of Portland, Oregon
-Cindy M. of Bellingham, Washington … Cindy gets an extra special thank-you because I VERY LOOSELY based one of my characters on her and she was an incredibly good sport about it.
Please let me know if I’ve inadvertently missed you above—these days my BLADD (Book Launch Attention Deficit Disorder) is off the charts. If you would like to join in the fun, let me know—you will thusly be entered to win one of two $75 amazon gift cards. (We don’t have to call it pimping, either. We can call it ‘spreading the word’ or ‘sharing the love’ or ‘distributing non-religious literature door to pixilated door.’ And you don’t even need a blog to enter! If you prefer to email at least five friends about the book’s release with a link to the bookseller of your choice, CC me in on the message (jess (at) thedebutanteball.com) and you’re in. The contest runs ‘til June 20.
I’m not sure how I’m coordinating the contest, but it may involve a dartboard. One that is hanging on my bathroom door, as a matter of fact.
It came with the house.
Other places I will be pussyfooting* around in the next week or two:
- MKE Online: check the site out from May 15 – May 21. (Book giveaway and guest blog on the way.)
- The Debutante Ball: I’m posting this Friday and we’re celebrating the launch of Driving Sideways each day next week! (PS: Enter the contest to win a signed copy & gift basket of goodies from me. I promise you’ll like it. There may be cheese.)
*doesn’t old-timey language sound kind of obscene?
And now for a public service announcement:
How about a debut book slated to launch in 2009 by a major publisher?
The Debutante Ball, is launching a Debutante Search for a group of five debut authors for the 2009 Debutante Season.
The Debutante Ball is a group blog of six debut authors, including Eileen Cook (Unpredictable), Jenny Gardiner (Sleeping with Ward Cleaver), Lisa Daily (Fifteen Minutes of Shame), Jess Riley (Driving Sideways), Danielle Younge-Ullman (Falling Under) and Gail Konop Baker (Cancer is a Bitch: Or, I’d Rather Be Having a Midlife Crisis).
The successful grog (group blog) has attracted a loyal following with publishing insiders, media and readers, and such notable “guest debutantes” as John Grisham, Jodi Picoult, Meg Cabot, Meg Tilly and Sex and The City’s Evan Handler. The 2008 Debutantes will pass their tiaras to the 2009 Debutantes in September.
Applicants must have a debut book slated to launch in 2009 by a major publisher or established small press. Deadline for applications is July 1. To submit your application, fill out this survey .
I'm so excited for you! And I can't wait to read the book!!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe it's finally about to be released! Just think: this time next week your books will be officially on sale.
ReplyDeleteThink I'll take some time next week to visit the other sites you listed to see how they're helping you celebrate. Thanks for sharing all the links.
How cool is THAT?? I am fantastically happy for you, but admittedly envious as well. I will be buying your book ASAP.
ReplyDeleteToday it's only FIVE days! I can't wait. I've already planned my dawn trip to Target on the 20th. Amazing. Enjoy every last moment.
ReplyDeleteYou're linked on my blog on www.wauwatosanow.com . I will make sure to spread the word!
At the risk of being stalker-like, I think you'll like my latest blogpost: http://momhood.blogspot.com/. Love the MKEonline article. Very cute!
ReplyDeletePlan on showing/sharing the love. Now, you may have to remind me as I have memory issues as of late.
ReplyDeleteI am so proud of you, or rather awed by you. I can't wait to read and promote your book from "door to pixelated door" and beyond!
ReplyDeleteThis is so awesome, Jess...good on you, girly...good on you!
ReplyDeleteGAAAAH!!! I CAN'T WAIT to read this!! I'm so excited! yahooooooooooo
ReplyDelete(hee hee- wow - for someone with no arm hair, you have an awfully low voice, Chris the Sagittarius...)
Hmmm...I'll be in Chicago on June 7th. Chicago is near Oshkosh, right???
ReplyDeleteJess- I'm so proud of you. I knew 17 years ago that you were a great talent. I'll be seeing you at the launch. Enjoy the ride!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the next few days leading up to the big day! I got my book in the mail today! Yay! Thank you. And thanks for the mention.
ReplyDeleteAfter next week, I'm afraid BLADD may turn to BRADD (Book Release Attention Defecit Disorder), but that's a very good thing!
Congratulations on the publication of your book! It must be a great feeling after so much work adn all that time. Won't it be cool to go into B&N and see it on the shelf?
ReplyDeleteWisconsin Karen sent me over here to wish you luck!
Hey Jess - I am so excited for you ( and me too! Can't wait to read it!)
ReplyDeletePosted a short teaser today
Are you actually sleeping? Or is the excitement too much?
ReplyDeleteCongrats. Tuesday is just around the corner.
I'll be reading your book
VEry excited for you and I'd love to pimp your book!
ReplyDeleteAre you going to be anywhere in Eastern Iowa for a book signing? Maybe Prairie Lights in Iowa City?
I'm thrilled...I'll be at Target on Tuesday! YAY!!!!
ReplyDeleteOK, I'll be at Borders tomorrow. :)
ReplyDeleteYour link to my blog goes to the one below mine, incidentally.
Jess - I heard of your book through both Caryn's and Pam's blogs, and will head to the bookstore later this week to get my copy. It sounds fantastic!
ReplyDeleteI might not have commented here, but I was reading your profile and had to let you know that I went to high school with Sufjan Stevens. I'm always amazed when I see his name come up randomly like this. I sat behind him in band, and had a total crush on him because he played the oboe so well. :)
Looking forward to Driving Sideways!
the book looks really good! i just found your blog through 'baby on bored'. i have a book club through my website called RealMomsRock.com and i suggested we read it for june. can't wait to read it!
ReplyDeleteYou must raise the tiny arm periodically, at random moments, and shout, "Power to the People! Death to the Oppressors!" I will give you a shiny quarter if you do it at a book signing.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! Looking forward to reading it.